Seeing Glory
We seem to have lost the ability to see glory, God; We look at money, or medals, last-person-standing triumphs, and exclusive, only-for-the-privileged-few accolades, and we call these glorious, forgetting how [...]
We seem to have lost the ability to see glory, God; We look at money, or medals, last-person-standing triumphs, and exclusive, only-for-the-privileged-few accolades, and we call these glorious, forgetting how [...]
You keep talking about dying, Jesus; about how life is found not by white-knuckled clinging; but by a prodigal losing. We nod and smile, and ponder the deep significance [...]
The worst storms, Jesus, are the ones caused by our fear, when we grow afraid of losing our power, or we grow suspicious of the power of others, when we [...]
It’s much easier, Jesus, to point fingers and speak with horror about the darkness in our world, than to live ablaze with light, revealing the truth of systems and situations, [...]
Gracious God, today, as everyday, we pray for grace, but today, we ask a little more - for a grace that is costly, for a grace that is just, and [...]
It feels like madness to stand before the giant with nothing but faith and a few small stones. It seems insane to believe that anything but brute force can match [...]
When the truth-twisting accusations were spat in Your face, Jesus, when the crowds chanted their execution-call, when the nails forced their way through Your flesh, Things could have been very [...]
I want to run But I’m still here. To run, not from God - but from the people who use his name. I journey, I work, I pray I grow [...]
How deeply you have loved us, Jesus; how willingly you stepped into our experience, how completely you empathised with all that we endure. Teach us to love as you have [...]
It's a world of fists, Jesus. We have no shortage of excuses to fight; the smallest difference, the most insignificant slight the least justifiable defense of our rights or privilege [...]