We seem to have lost the ability to see glory, God;
We look at money, or medals,
last-person-standing triumphs,
and exclusive, only-for-the-privileged-few accolades,
and we call these glorious,
forgetting how they tarnish after just a few moments.
We have forgotten how to recognise the glory that lives
in the sacrifices of a mother
for whom feeding a child takes monumental effort each day;
in the compassion of a stranger
who gives his time and talent to care for sick and dying souls;
in the humility of a well-qualified professional
who uses her connections and skill to ensure the success
of small projects that bring life to the least;
in the courage of a peace-maker
who stands empty-handed against tanks and bombs,
or who chooses to serve and love an enemy;
Open our eyes to the glory all around us,
the glory of crosses and opened graves
in hopeless situations;
the glory of your presence and creativity
in dark and ugly and fearful places;
And teach us to be both heralds and couriers
of this glory,
so that it may be seen to cover the earth
as the waters cover the sea.