Gracious God, today, as everyday, we pray for grace,

but today, we ask a little more –

for a grace that is costly,

for a grace that is just,

and for the courage to choose this grace alone.


When your name is used like a slogan to promote what offends you,

give us the grace to say, “No”.

When your word is spoken to exclude and divide,

give us the grace to quietly include everyone.

When your reign is reduced to nationalism or terrorism,

give us the grace to resist.

When love is called weakness,

and hope is dissolved in cynicism,

and faith is dismissed as delusion,

give us the grace to hold our ground,

and lift our voices.


Everyday – and for always – we pray for the grace

to take up whatever cross we may face,

and follow you down whatever road you call us to;

to be people who share grace and justice,

even as we give thanks for the just grace we have received.

