It feels like madness to stand before the giant
with nothing but faith and a few small stones.
It seems insane to believe that anything but brute force
can match the challenge of the powerful.
But, in the stillness a different voice whispers,
speaking of crosses and empty tombs,
of justice and God’s concern for the weak;
In the stillness fear and insecurity can be heard
in the bellowing of the bullies;
And in the stillness the temptation in each of us
to cling to our power at all costs
becomes clear and transparent.
And so we find ourselves once again in prayer, Jesus,
that the gentle persuasion of your cross
may change how we do power in our world;
that the strong and wealthy may find life
in sharing and empowering;
and that we each, in our own small way, may remember
that our storms are most often stilled
when we allow your authority to lead us,
and your justice to teach us how to live.