Using Our Wealth
God of extravagant and inappropriate grace, we thank you for the wealth we enjoy, and for all the opportunities we have to share it. Where nations buckle under the [...]
God of extravagant and inappropriate grace, we thank you for the wealth we enjoy, and for all the opportunities we have to share it. Where nations buckle under the [...]
Your generosity is extravagant, Jesus; your grace and mercy so freely given, your love and presence so readily available, your Spirit and strength so reliable. We are so grateful [...]
Praise be to you, God of life, for the shoot that breaks through the earth, that strains toward the sun, that blossoms and makes of its fruit an offering to [...]
How did it happen, God? How did we come to believe in scarcity? In “not enough to go around;” In “you gotta look after yourself”? How did we miss [...]
We thank You, Generous God, for the grace is represented in all we possess. You have filled our lives with abundance and we thank You; May we be Your channels [...]
Your love, O God, is an active love: engaged, involved, immersed. Your love, O God, is seen in what you do, not just in what you say: in the [...]
There is no shortage of ways that we can help to heal our world, Lord; we just need the willingness to see them and the courage to act. So, [...]
The world is not healed, O God, by correct ideas, or intellectual nods in the direction of doctrine. No, the world is healed when faith becomes a fire that captures [...]
The old song said it, Jesus: What the world needs is love. But, when we speak of love, do we mean the same thing that you do? the infinitely generous, [...]
Long before the change of name, before the first signs of new life showed the beginnings of promises fulfilled, You asked Abram to make his home among foreigners, and share [...]