How do we find the faith to believe the story of Easter, Jesus? How do we grasp its truth? We can only accept it; refusing to reduce it to scientific [...]
How do we find the faith to believe the story of Easter, Jesus? How do we grasp its truth? We can only accept it; refusing to reduce it to scientific [...]
We choose not to give in to fear: Even when we are threatened by violence and abuse, we choose to believe in the power of love. We choose not [...]
It’s a familiar call, Jesus a whisper almost unheard but persistent and unfailing “Come,” it says. “Come to me, and I will give you rest.” We long for what [...]
We celebrate a faith that is measured not by the usual signs of greatness, but by the marks of love; And we celebrate the God who gives it. We [...]
We take so much on to our shoulders God; Sometimes it’s arrogance, but sometimes it’s because we just don’t know what else to do. There is so much need, so [...]
We really would prefer it, Jesus, if the big problems of our world could be resolved quickly; we don’t mind the effort, the hard work, or even the sustained hours [...]
There is much to remind us, O God of Your constant attention of Your tireless care; The sparrow flies with joyful abandon unconcerned and secure in Your watchfulness The flower [...]
In the darkest night, light radiates; In the driest wilderness, streams flow; In the most disorienting confusion, truth whispers; In the most turbulent storms, peace endures; In the shadow of [...]
When injustice looms large, remind us that small, daily Gospel obediences reveal the infinite wideness of God’s mercy, and strengthen all whose lives of daily justice bring grace into the [...]
We thank You, Generous God, for the grace is represented in all we possess. You have filled our lives with abundance and we thank You; May we be Your channels [...]