The old song said it, Jesus:

What the world needs is love.

But, when we speak of love,

do we mean the same thing that you do?

the infinitely generous,



do-whatever-it-takes-to-bring-life-to-others kind of love?

because this is the love we need,

the love the world is dying for.


Teach us this love, Jesus, please;

As those who follow you,

show us how to follow your extravagance in love.

Teach us, when what others need for joy and life has run out,

to use our plenty to sustain them;

Teach us, when others face ridicule or injustice,

to use our influence to protect them;

Teach us, when others despair or die because of cruelty or conflict,

to use our presence to bring them hope and healing;

Teach us to recognise what you, in your extravagant love

have given us,

and to use these gifts

to love those around us extravagantly.

