God, whose word spoke life and creativity into a formless universe, and order to a nation of escaped slaves, whose strong and compassionate voice challenged injustice through frail prophets, we [...]
God, whose word spoke life and creativity into a formless universe, and order to a nation of escaped slaves, whose strong and compassionate voice challenged injustice through frail prophets, we [...]
Lord Jesus, in You we recognise what life can be: Recklessly loving, abundantly forgiving, and limitlessly free. Thank You for offering this life to us again, now. Thank You for [...]
In each of our hearts is a locked place, God; Like a forgotten room or a dark cupboard, We would prefer to forget it even exists, But inside it are [...]
To our souls made brittle by constant score keeping You are the moisture that softens and washes the record clean; To our hearts exhausted from carrying the burden of [...]
How frightened we are by Sabbath, Jesus; how afraid that if we stop, we’ll fall behind, we’ll have less than we want, we’ll lose out to those who don’t stop; [...]
Where there seems to be no way to end the conflict and violence in our time, we pray that you would teach us, O Christ, to prepare the way; [...]
We praise you, Lord, and our spirits rejoice in you – our Saviour; For you take notice of the unnoticeable, and transform them into the blessed; You are strong [...]
This following is hard, Jesus; I thought it would be easier somehow; I didn’t count on all the direction and obedience; I didn’t think that Your vineyard would be [...]
As, in prayer, we share our longings for our world we seek your grace, O God; When we define the good by law and ignore mercy and justice Give [...]
We have grown familiar with chains. Stumbled into by accident, or carefully crafted by our own vice, we have become used to their cold weight. At times we even [...]