In each of our hearts is a locked place, God;

Like a forgotten room or a dark cupboard,

We would prefer to forget it even exists,

But inside it are things that won’t stay hidden.


Others would never suspect that we carry such a place;

We guard our faces so no evidence appears,

And we keep our lips sealed,

allowing no escape for the stories of the skeletons in our cupboard.


But in the quiet moments, the unguarded times of solitude,

The doors we struggle to hold shut fly open

and the skeletons – these living guilts – come out and dance

Mocking us and reminding us of our secret shame.


Free us from the power and the prison

of the skeletons in our cupboards, Jesus;

Teach us that mistakes and brokenness and failure

are part of creative and bold living

Remind us that what is hidden holds us in bondage

and cannot be healed;

And lead us through our shame to confident joy in You.


Let us know the touch of your forgiveness and healing,

and teach us to pass this acceptance on to others

friends, family and strangers

who, like us, pretend to be whole

While within them, skeletons still dance.

