
We all long for a meaningful and abundant life. Every day we are told, in a thousand different ways, that our best life is found when we satisfy our individual desires and dreams. But, what if these messages are misleading? What if our quest for personal fulfilment is disconnecting us from one another and from God, and making us very lonely people?

The Gospel message of Jesus confidently proclaims that vibrant and authentic life can only be found together – in diverse and loving communities. If we are willing to give Jesus’ way of living a try, we will need to learn the habits that help us to connect with one another in spite of all that divides us.

Learning to Belong is a 28-day devotional journey which uses the practices of worship to teach us to do life together. It is designed for personal and small group study, and offers practical guidelines to help you connect more deeply with God, with yourself, with others, and with the world.

In Learning to Belong you will learn:

How the choice to gather with others helps you to find your place in the world;
How you can feel at home in the world by finding your personal calling and living it out with other “Called Ones”;
How to recognise and embrace the presence and power of God’s Spirit in every place and time;
How you can help to make the world a safer and more connected place through the simple practice of greeting.

Real security and abundant life flow from knowing that we have a place where we truly and authentically belong. If you will let it, your worship will teach you to be at home in God’s world.

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