Lord Jesus, it’s a shameful thing
when you’ve set invitations to all who will come
and we stand at the door and turn people away
it’s shameful how we find ways to justify, in Your Name,
the lines we draw between us,
the exclusions and suspicions,
the greeds and power-plays,
that harm the least,
and protect our special interests.
And so we pray:
Lift us above our pettiness and self-protection,
and use us as Your agents of justice and mercy;
May Your grace open our doors, stretch out our arms
and turn our attention
to the excluded, rejected and neglected ones.
May Your wisdom teach our minds, open our hearts
and challenge our apathy
to find solutions to the conflicts and self-created threats in our world.
May Your love release our energies, ignite our abilities
and inspire our action
to heal those who carry the scars of abuse, war and disease,
to comfort those who grieve the loss of loved ones or opportunities,
to restore the ones who have failed or fallen,
to nurture the life that breaks out in every person
and every part of our planet.
And make us heralds of Your kingdom
who extend Your invitation to all who will listen.