We follow you, Jesus,

today as we worship;

In words of love and devotion

sung and spoken,

In service and kindness,

in shared life and sacred meal.


And all we need do to follow you

as we leave this place

is to continue saying and doing

– to others –

what we bring to you in this hour.


And so we pray for praise and affirmation

to empower our families and communities;

For confession and forgiveness

to reconcile personal and national enemies,

and lead us into integrity and goodness;

For thanksgiving and generosity

to curb our greed,

and overcome poverty;

For intercession and compassion

to heal the broken,

defend the weak,

and guide the powerful.


As you feed us now, Jesus, in our worship,

may we become, again, your body

which nourishes the world,

and embraces all people with kindness.

