We want to be free of the shutters that keep you out, O God;

We long to open windows, to catch the warmth and light,

to feel the fresh breeze of Your Spirit;

We yearn to set the darkness within us and around us to flight.


So, teach us, we pray,

to open windows of welcome

to all who have been rejected, persecuted and accused;

to open windows of listening

to all who have been misunderstood, silenced and dismissed;

to open windows of communication

to all whom we have viewed as enemies, as threats, or as insignificant;

to open windows of humility

to a world that has been exploited through our greed, arrogance and certainty;

to open windows of hope

to all who are deprived, misplaced, diseased and despairing.


And may the windows we open be never closed again;

May the light we invoke, be always breaking through the clouds,

and entering even the darkest corners of our hearts.


For Jesus’ sake.

