It is not a perfect life we live, O God;

We are people of ambivalent goodness,

and too fragile desires for justice and righteousness;

We need your grace and forgiveness,

and your strength to bring grace into the world.


It’s not a perfect world we live in, O God;

There is greed and want, exploitation and marginalisation,

and too many people excluded for indefensible reasons;

We need your grace and forgiveness,

and your strength to bring grace into the world.


Remind us, O God, that it is not perfection you seek,

but humility, brokenness and repentance;

Lead us into a love for you that is reckless and selfless;

that, because we have been forgiven much,

will risk everything for you,

washing your feet,

and those of the poor and suffering,

weeping with you,

and those who grieve,

standing with the rejected and mocked,

even as we share their lot.

We need your grace and forgiveness,

and your strength to bring grace into the world.
