We are the Church, Jesus,

but sometimes we fail to believe it,

and so we focus more on what divides us

than on your call and the unconditional welcome that joins us.

May your Spirit flow through us

to bind and connect us in ways that neither our diversity

nor our self-righteousness, nor our sin can separate.


We are your Body, Jesus

but sometimes we fail to act like it,

and so we grow more concerned with ourselves

than the others you call us to serve

May your grace and compassion flow through us

to heal and embrace all who are broken and wounded


We are your Messengers, Jesus,

but sometimes it’s easier to carry bad news, or no news

than to challenge the powers that be, or to oppose injustice

with the message of the Gospel.

May your prophetic voice be proclaimed in us

in ways that encourage the despairing,

liberate the oppressed

and hold the powerful accountable.


Forgive us when we fail to be who we are – who you have called us to be

and teach us to live and to love as your presence in this world.


For Christ’s Sake.
