In the midst of grief we choose to celebrate,
because it reminds us of hope,
and brings comfort to our broken hearts;
In the midst of poverty we choose to celebrate,
because it speaks of wealth beyond material things,
and gives dignity to our humbled hearts;
In the midst of conflict we choose to celebrate,
because it turns us to peace,
and restores humanity to our angry hearts;
In the midst of suffering we choose to celebrate,
because it lightens our darkness,
and inspires strength in our fragile hearts;
In the midst of injustice we choose to celebrate,
because it defies evil,
and renews determination in our compassionate hearts;
Though crosses may loom, and opponents gather,
though cynics may scoff at the extravagance
of our devotion to you, Jesus,
we still choose to embrace and enjoy
for our own sake, and that of the least,
the healing power of celebration.