This world needs to remember you and return to you, God.
when we use force to bend others to our will,
when we abuse and harm othes because they are different,
when we forget that you love them, too,
we need you to remind us and heal us.
This world needs to remember you and return to you, God.
when we get so caught up in our own dreams and wants,
that we allow others to live in hunger and need,
when we forget that we are all connected,
we need you to remind us and heal us.
This world needs to remember you and return to you, God.
when we lose our ability to care for those who are sick and grieving,
to comfort those who are alone and rejected,
to stand up for those who are treated unjustly,
we need you to remind us and heal us.
Make us part of the healing of the world, Jesus,
through our prayers,
through lives lived in worship and service,
through these hearts that we give to you.