God, we are a broken people,
and we live in a broken world.
But, you are a whole God – holy and complete,
and you never stop offering wholeness to us.
And so, wherever we and people around us
are broken within our bodies, minds or souls,
we pray that healing may come.
Silent prayer may be offered.
Wherever we and people around us
are broken apart by the determination to dominate,
we pray that peace may come.
Silent prayer may be offered.
Wherever we and people around us
are broken down by need and neglect,
we pray that compassion may come.
Silent prayer may be offered.
Wherever we and people around us
are broken up by stress, fear and uncertainty
we pray that faith may come.
Silent prayer may be offered.
And so we bring you our brokenness, God,
and pray that you would heal us,
so that we, in our turn,
may be part of healing the world.