There’s a whisper inside of us:
Most of the time we can ignore it if we so choose,
and often we neglect it;
But its insistent, compelling voice reminds us
that our lives are not without meaning,
that we have a contribution to make,
that we are called.
This called-ness can be hard for us, Jesus,
We are all too aware of our denials of you,
of all the ways we’ve failed to live up to our promise;
We’re not sure that there aren’t others who are more than we are:
more faithful,
more responsible,
more organised,
more committed,
more able.
But, it seems that you don’t really hear our objections, our excuses;
all you ever seem to say is just, “Follow me.”
So, if you see in us something worth calling;
If you are committed to empowering us,
infilling us,
using us,
then all we can do is respond,
nervously, but wholeheartedly,