We long to know your presence

and your blessing God;

to know that we have found a place

in your kingdom;


And so we commit to being those

who acknowledge our poverty of spirit,

and who grieve rightly our brokenness and losses;

For this is how we open ourselves to blessing.


We dedicate ourselves to humility,

and to a constant, never-ceasing hunger and thirst

for justice;

For this is how we open ourselves to blessing.


We seek to always act with compassion and mercy,

and to keep our hearts pure –

free from destructiveness,

and bound by integrity;

For this is how we open ourselves to blessing.


We devote ourselves

to working for peace,

and to constant celebration and rejoicing,

even in the face of hardship,


and struggle;

For this is how we open ourselves to blessing.


Gracious and Compassionate God,

We offer ourselves to you again,

in worship and obedience,

in lives committed to the purposes and practices

of your reign;

For in this way, we know, we are blessed,

and we are a blessing.

