You’re amazing, God,
The way you paint the sky with endless combinations of colours,
The way you fill the world with countless creatures,
all so different, all so unique.
You’re amazing, God,
The way you hide in the faces of people,
How, if we look long enough and carefully enough,
we see you in the plump smile of the newborn,
and the loose skin of the elderly,
the shocking challenge of those who seem so strange to us,
and the comforting familiarity of those who seem so normal.
You’re amazing, God,
The way you never stop finding ways to remind us of you,
How, if we will only let you,
you take our hand and lead us into life,
vibrant and rich and overflowing.
Isn’t strange how we so easily choose to listen
to voices other than yours?
to follow guides that lead us away from you?
Isn’t it strange how often we search for life apart from you,
and then wonder why we never find it?
Forgive us our foolishness,
and please don’t ever stop whispering to us of your love.
In Jesus’ Name.