When you really think about it…


It’s a small price to pay:

to release pride and the demand for vengeance,

in favour of love and forgiveness;


It’s a small price to pay:

to forego a few luxuries and conveniences,

in favour of generosity and justice;


It’s a small price to pay:

to delay gratification and deny addiction,

in favour of sustainability and true enjoyment;


It’s a small price to pay:

to deny fear and violence,

in favour of listening and understanding;


It’s a small price to pay:

to reject expediency and opportunism,

in favour of doing the right thing;


It may seem like an immense cost,

it may appear to be more than we can give,

it may look like the most painful sacrifice;

but, when you think about it,

when abundant life is in the equation,

it’s a small price, really.


Thank you, God, for the life you offer,

and for giving us the courage to pay the price

so we may win the eternal prize.

