This week we’re living between the Ascension and Pentecost. The Scriptures love these “in-between” times, and it is often in these times that God does some of the most transforming work. As Jesus left his disciples for the last time after the resurrection, he instructed them to wait, and promised that they would become his witnesses after they had received power. But, as Matthew’s Gospel teaches, the power and authority are Christ’s. It is always as a result of our connection with Jesus that we can share life and grace with others.
This is why we need to wait. Building a deep connection always takes time and intentional focus. If we try to move out into the world before we have become rooted in Christ’s love and life, we will inevitably find ourselves buffeted by the chaos we encounter. Then, we may end up adopting the strategies and values of the culture around us, while still claiming the name of Jesus, without realising how we have been subtly changed. But, when we make time in our lives to root ourselves deeply in Jesus, we are more easily able to remain true to the values and mission of Jesus. This is part of what was at the heart of Jesus’ prayer for the disciples in John 17.
This week we focus on waiting on Christ’s gift of power, and on sinking our roots deep into the life of Jesus.
To download this week’s reflections in PDF format, click here.